Members' Day and AGM 2023
The Barracks conference centre, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ
Saturday 18 November 2023
10.30 am – 3.00 pm
Dyslexia Scotland AGM and Members’ Day
Come and hear about the biggest ever survey of dyslexic people in Scotland and about our Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice Professional Recognition programme for teachers! Our special guests at this year’s Members’ Day are Dr. Jeremy Law, Lecturer in Education, University of Glasgow, Fran Foreman, Senior Inclusion Officer, Education Scotland and two Alumni from previous years: Liz O’Donoghue, ASN Secondary Teacher and Specialist Teacher Dyslexia (Level 5), also a Panel member, and Heather Aird, Secondary School teacher.
Annual General Meeting: this will take place at 12.00 – 12.45 pm. Access the AGM agenda and AGM notification and the other AGM papers, including the Annual Report, summary reports and voting mandates via the tabs below and as downloadable PDFs. The Accounts are available as a PDF below.
Printable versions of the papers
AGM Notification
Dear Member
The Dyslexia Scotland Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 18 November 2023 at
The Barracks conference centre, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ
The papers for the event are all on our website. These include a summary of the annual report and accounts, as well as the full report. If you would like us to send you a hard copy of these papers, please email us at: [email protected]
- Our Members’ Day will be held from 10.30 am – 3.00 pm
- The Annual General Meeting will take place from 12.00 – 12.45 pm
I urge you to attend both the Members’ Day and the Annual General Meeting. Our special guests at this year’s Members’ Day are Dr. Jeremy Law, Lecturer in Education, University of Glasgow, Fran Foreman, Senior Inclusion Officer, Education Scotland and two Alumni from previous years: Liz O’Donoghue, ASN Secondary Teacher and Specialist Teacher Dyslexia (Level 5), also a Panel member, and Heather Aird, Secondary School teacher. Jeremy will talk about Scotland’s biggest ever survey of its dyslexic population, a collaboration between Dyslexia Scotland and the University of Glasgow.
Fran, Liz and Heather will talk about our Professional Recognition Dyslexia and inclusive practice programme for teachers, accredited by GTCS and delivered collaboratively by Education Scotland and Dyslexia Scotland.
To register, please contact [email protected] with the following details by 9.00 am on Monday 13 November:
- Whether or not you are attending the Members’ Day, the Annual General Meeting, or both
- Any special dietary requirements
- Any communication or access requirements you have
I look forward to seeing you on the day.
David Shaw, Chairman of the Company
AGM Agenda
NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN of the Annual General Meeting of
Dyslexia Scotland that will take place at
The Barracks conference centre, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ
Saturday 18 November 2023
at 12.00 pm for the following purposes, namely:-
1. Minutes of 2022 Annual General Meeting
To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 19 November 2022.
2. Annual Report
To receive the Annual Report of the Company for the year ended 31 March 2023.
3. Accounts of the Branches and Company
To receive the annual accounts of the Branches and of the Company for the year ended 31 March 2023.
4. Re-appointment of Directors
To approve the re-appointment of Irene Lumsden as Director
5. Re-appointment of Auditors
To appoint Thomson Cooper as auditors to the Company.
6. Auditors’ Remuneration
To authorise the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors.
7. Any Other Business
To consider any other business competent to be dealt with at the AGM notified by Members.
Your vote is important – voting at the Annual General Meeting will be by way of a poll, rather than a show of hands. This means that we will take into account all the votes cast and not just those of members present. If you are unable to attend the Meeting, please vote by post or online – instructions on how to do this are on our website with the other papers for the meeting. Please note that we must receive your vote no later than midday on 16 November 2023.
Members’ Day agenda
Browse our displays and watch our Highlights of the Year film during the day.
10.30 Arrival and registration
11.00 Welcome
11.05 Dr. Jeremy Law, Lecturer in Education, University of Glasgow
Dyslexia Scotland has partnered with the University of Glasgow to roll out Scotland’s biggest ever survey of its dyslexic population.
Jeremy will talk about this survey, which will ‘take the temperature’ of the dyslexic community and act as a baseline for measuring how dyslexia-friendly we are as a country. There will be time for questions for Jeremy, joined by Katie Carmichael, Creative and digital lead at Dyslexia Scotland.
11.55 Comfort break
12.00 Annual General Meeting (See separate agenda)
12.45 Lunch (buffet provided)
1.30 Dyslexia and inclusive practice programme for teachers
- Fran Foreman, Senior Inclusion Officer, Education Scotland
- Liz O’Donoghue, ASN Secondary Teacher and Specialist Teacher Dyslexia (Level 5), Alumni from the pilot and Panel member
- Heather Aird, Secondary School teacher, Alumni from last year’s cohort
This exciting Professional Recognition programme is accredited by GTCS and delivered collaboratively by Education Scotland and Dyslexia Scotland.
Fran will provide an overview and Liz and Heather will share their experiences of the programme, including the ‘alumni’ model, being a panel member, the impact of the programme and the practitioner enquiry. There will be time for questions.
3.00 Close
AGM 2022 Minutes
Saturday 19 November 2022, 12pm
Wallace High School, Stirling
1. Minutes of 2021 Annual General Meeting
All present were in favour of accepting the minutes of the AGM held on 20 November 2021.
Proposed by: Mary Evans
Seconded by: Margaret Crombie
2. Annual Report
All present were in favour of accepting the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2022.
Proposed by: Irene Lumsden Seconded by: Ross Duncan
3. Accounts of the Branches and Company
All present were in favour of accepting the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022.
Proposed by: Irene Lumsden
Seconded by: Ross Duncan
4. Appointment of Directors
All present were in favour of appointing David Hughes as a Director.
Proposed by: Karen McGill
Seconded by: Mary Evans
All present were in favour of appointing Chris Hughes as a Director.
Proposed by: Karen McGill
Seconded by: Margaret Crombie
5. Re-appointment of Auditors
All present agreed to reappoint Thomson Cooper as auditors to the Company.
Proposed by: Irene Lumsden
Seconded by: Mike Gibson
6. Auditors’ Remuneration
All present agreed to authorise the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors.
Proposed by: Karen McGill
Seconded by: Ross Duncan
7. Any Other Business
There was no other business.
Chair David Shaw gave his thanks to the team at Dyslexia Scotland as the organisation continues to deliver high quality services. He acknowledged the funding from the Sean Connery Foundation and gave a special mention to the team – Cathy Magee, Mike Gibson and Mary Berrill – who were involved in the significant negotiations that were required over a period of months.
David said that Dyslexia Scotland is in a strong financial position but the board must look to the future as funding will become more difficult.
David thanked Directors, volunteers and Ambassadors who help the organisation do what it does. He thanked Dyslexia Scotland’s President Sir Jackie Stewart who has offered unwavering support over the years.
David finished with his personal heartfelt thanks to Chief Executive Cathy Magee for her leadership of the staff team.