If you have recently discovered that you’re dyslexic, or have known for a while, but are now looking to make some positive steps to learn more about dyslexia in adults, then start your journey with us.

Fact sheets and information

Dyslexic Adult Networks

Dyslexic Adult Networks are safe and welcoming meet ups for dyslexic adults to share experiences and get support.

Run by welcoming volunteers, the networks are support groups for people over 18 who have dyslexia. The meetings can help you to:

  • find out about other adults experiences of dyslexia
  • share your experiences
  • talk about issues in education and work
  • learn from guest speakers.

It was wonderful to hear my voice echoed back at me from others with similar feelings, viewpoints and experiences. and to see the nodding heads of agreement and not blank stares. Also hearing about things I had never considered or personally experienced, so I can further educate myself on the diversity within dyslexia itself.


I’m dyslexic – now what?

Want to take the next step on your journey of self-discovery? We’ve gathered together expert information to guide you on all parts of your dyslexia journey. Take the next step with the Post Assessment Pack for Adults.