Our Members 

Dyslexia Scotland is leading the movement to a dyslexia-friendly Scotland, bringing the dyslexic community together with changemakers for inclusion. When you become a member of Dyslexia Scotland, you join a community that makes a difference.

Members of Dyslexia Scotland help us to champion the rights of people with dyslexia in Scotland, who so often feel left behind in education, work and community life. Your financial support ensures that we can employ our small staff team and continue to do the work we do locally and nationally:

Plus, £6 of your membership fee (£3 for concessionary memberships) goes to your local Branch, to help make your local area a dyslexia-friendly community.

Concessionary membership applies to people under 16, over 65, students, Young Scot cardholders and people who are unemployed.

Watch this video to find out why membership matters

Member benefits

Digital membership badge

IndividualFamilyEducatorTutorOrganisationFree one-year membership offer
Annual fee£20£25£100£30Variable
Dyslexia Voice magazine✓ (digital edition only)
Digital membership badge
Member-only online content
Access to our online library
Exclusive discounts
Education Conference discount
Promotional feature in Dyslexia Voice magazine
Logo on our website
Exhibition space at our conference (where relevant)
Discounts on dyslexia training

Members’ digital badge

Add it to your email signature or website, or print it for display

Subscription to Dyslexia Voice magazine

Quarterly news and updates about the progress towards a dyslexia-friendly Scotland and content by the dyslexia community

Welcome letter from our President and Vice Presidents

Sir Jackie Stewart, Audrey Baxter and Dougray Scott

Access to members’ only content on our website

Log in to view exclusive articles, free downloads and shop discounts

Membership to our library

Borrow from our impressive collection of dyslexia books

Our quarterly Members’ magazine is packed full of great articles and advice with sections for:

Join online

Fill in the paper form

Membership form


Need help filling in your membership form?  We can do this for you. Phone our Membership Secretary Pauline Bowe on 01786 446650 or email [email protected]