‘My mental health was impacted when I had not been diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD but was struggling. After coming to terms with the diagnosis I have become a lot happier in my own skin but I did grieve for what might have been if I’d known earlier’. 

Neil Milliken

Can dyslexia cause mental health issues? How does dyslexia affect mental health? This video shares clips of an upcoming documentary about dyslexia and mental health with a panel of experts discussing the issues. This recording was made as part of DyslexiFest in March 2022. The documentary is scheduled for completion in 2023.

More mental health dyslexia resources

Dyslexia Scotland Helpline

Dyslexia Scotland leaflets

Dyslexia Unwrapped

Exam anxiety

Report on the human cost of dyslexia

Studying with dyslexia – self esteem

Self esteem video

Dyslexia Scotland leaflets

Wellbeing – a webinar for parents

Dyslexia and Mental Health by Neil Alexander-Passe

Do-IT profiler


Dyslexia-aware counselling

See Me Scotland

Breathing Space

Scottish Association for Mental Health


Dyslexia Voice magazine cover showing hands holding pebbles, each one labelled with words like peace, love hope.
Back copies of Dyslexia Voice magazine are available from our online shop.