Everyone has a story to tell. Dyslexia Scotland shares the personal stories of people with dyslexia – and news and updates from changemakers about how they are helping create a dyslexia-friendly Scotland.
Please send your articles, videos, blogs or voice recordings, art work or poetry using this form.
You can send your content by email too. Read the brief below.
Submit an article or media file
Submit a piece for our magazine or online content using the submission form below.
Prefer to send your content by email?
If you would prefer to send your article by email, please follow these guidelines:
- Written articles should be a maximum of 600 words. We will edit longer articles
- Please send your article in the body of the email or attached as a .doc or .docx file
- Keep your sentences short
- Write in plain English
- Write any abbreviations in full
- Include your name so we can credit you as the author
- Please attach a photograph yourself and any images relating to your article (attach these as seperate files)
- Image/photo formats should be Jpeg or PNG and should be supplied in as high a resolution as possible – no less than 300 ppi/dpi
We regret that we can’t publish everyone’s news or story, but we do review them all and include as many contributors as we possibly can. Articles are not accepted where they clearly advertise a product or paid services.