Getting the most out of your driving lessons
You’re learning to drive – how exciting! It’s a wonderful step towards independence and adventure.

Driving lessons are both time consuming and pricey, though, so it makes total sense to try and get the most out of each one!
There is a lot of information that you need to digest when learning to drive, and it can sometimes take learner drivers with dyslexia a bit longer to get the hang of it all.
Here are some of the particular challenges that learner drivers with dyslexia may face:
- Lowered concentration and focus
- Finding road signs confusing
- Difficulty chatting with a passenger
- Short-term memory difficulties
- Directional difficulties (instructions to turn left or right)
- A slower processing-speed
- Following multiple instructions at once
Don’t worry though! There are plenty of ways around the challenges mentioned above. Here are some strategies to discuss with your driving instructor.
Strategies to discuss with your driving instructor

- If you find directions like ‘left and right’ confusing, then ask your instructor to say ‘Your side / My side’ instead
- Explain that you do better learning one concept at a time, rather than several
- If you don’t find your driving instructor is catering to your learning style, don’t be afraid to find another one
- If you find road signs confusing, it may be useful to study for and take your theory test while you are having driving lessons
- If you find it difficult to concentrate and focus, ask to take breaks. So, if your lesson is an hour long, you could drive for 3 sessions of 15 minutes and have 3 x 5 minute breaks in between
- Let your instructor know if you find judging distances and spaces difficult so that they can give you more time and space when asking you to brake or manoeuvre
- Ask your instructor to draw concepts for you rather than explaining them verbally. Equally, you could take a pad and paper to your lessons and illustrate any difficult concepts yourself
If you have dyslexia, you are entitled to extra allowances during your theory and practical tests. To find out what extra help and support you can get, click the dropdown box below to access more of the articles in this series with useful info and support.
This article is part of a series exploring how to prepare for, and pass, your driving theory and practical tests. Click the links below to see more.
Part one: What to expect on your driving theory test
Part two: Extra help you can get for your driving theory test
Part three: Top tips for revising for your driving theory test
Part five: Passing your practical driving test