Dyslexia Education Conference 2022 recordings
This diverse suite of professional learning sessions brings fresh thinking and practical techniques that you can try straight away to help you be a successful educator that makes the right difference to learners with dyslexia.
The PDF links to recordings of three keynotes:
- Professor Amanda Kirby of Do-IT Solutions: How to know and be your best self
- Paul Nisbet, CALL Scotland: How can learners reach their full potential with 1-1 technology?
- Mike Stirling, Beano: SPAG LOLS – Loading laughs in learning
and 6 workshops:
- Dyscalculia and Curriculum for Excellence
- Mission Superheroes in action
- Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSAs) and dyslexia
- General Teaching Council for Scotland Professional Recognition Action Research
- Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit Identification Pathway in practice
- Dyslexia and the classroom
This is a downloadable PDF with hyperlinks to 9 recordings from the 2022 Dyslexia Education Conference.
The interactive PDF download links to the keynote and workshop recordings of Dyslexia Scotland’s innovative 2022 education conference on dyslexia.
The annual whole-day conference was aimed at teachers in mainstream schools with a view to helping you confidently identify and support dyslexia in your classroom setting. Each session is led by a dyslexia or education expert presenting timeless and innovative methods you can apply in your practice.