Tutor renewal

Tutor Membership is available for Dyslexia Scotland approved Tutors only. Please only purchase this if you are a current approved tutor for Dyslexia Scotland. Do not purchase this for anyone else.

Tutor membership includes:

If you would prefer to renew by printed membership form:

  1. Download the membership form from the bottom of this page: Join | Dyslexia Scotland – Dyslexia Scotland
  2. Select your payment method and complete the form.
  3. You can pay by cheque/postal order, by Direct Payment (telephone or internet banking or BACS) or standing order. Just follow the instructions on the form.
  4. Send the completed form by email to [email protected] or by post to:

Dyslexia Scotland, 1st floor, Cameron House, Forthside Way, Stirling FK8 1QZ.

Need help filling in your membership form?  We can do this for you.  Phone our Membership Secretary Pauline Bowe on 01786 446650 or email [email protected]