The Train Journey of a Life With Dyslexia

Doreen_blog_150520 So this is the scene in the train carriage of my mind. At the moment things are relatively calm. But Dyslexia falls on the plunger of the Stress box as the train runs away. Boom, bang, the bomb explodes.    Self Critic shouts “I told you this would happen!”   Low Mood shouts at Anxiety “Why didn’t you see this coming? Anxiety looks round, scowls and sighs. Before opening her mouth “Why didn’t I …” she throws up her hands “What about you? Asperger’s headphones fail to shield her. She takes a deep breath and lets out a blood-curdling scream.   The hullabaloo causes an exhausted Courage to wake with a start. And he hollered “Shut Up!“, he grabbed a fire extinguisher and covered Dyslexia and Stress with foam. Eventually Dyslexia and Stress are imprisoned in hardened foam. Courage falls limply into his seat and his exhausted head falls to the table. Asperger’s sobs subside as the calming music reach her ears again. Anxiety and Low Mood find they have run out of things to say. They have even run out of past highlights to mull over. Self-Critic goes back to her team on her mobile. “Remember to keep an eye on… The train still hurtling along, regains a more regular rock and roll. This causes the foam to dissolve. With gratitude Doreen, the body, mind and person in control, takes charge. Having remembered mindfulness and other coping techniques. Doreen begins to scribble all the things she is thankful for in her journal. Then moves on to square breathing, which is her favourite such technique as it is very easy to visualise. Finally Doreen analyses the situation. The actual situation. This current situation. Blog written by Doreen Kelly, Dyslexia Scotland member and Volunteer