Our secret plan to create a dyslexia friendlier Scotland this Christmas
Everything we do is about building a dyslexia friendlier Scotland. We believe in thinking differently and creating a culture of total inclusion and acceptance.
And we’ve got a plan to double our chance of achieving this. There’s a brilliant, yet simple way. Want to know what it is?
Here’s what we’re about to do.
Over the next four weeks, we’ll be asking our members, ambassadors, volunteers, followers and partners to do one simple action. One small step for individuals that will help make a giant, collective leap for dyslexia. And we’re letting you in on the plan here first.
We’re asking everyone we know to do this:
Gift a Dyslexia Scotland membership to someone else for Christmas. Easy as that.
We realised that if everyone we know gifts a membership to someone else this Christmas, we can at least double our impact next year. So simple, yet so effective.
Thinking outside the gift box
A membership gift is the most original, ethical and value-for-money gift we think anyone could possibly give, and a gift that keeps on giving to the person who receives it. They’ll get our awesome magazine in the post throughout 2021 and you’ll be making an investment in a dyslexia friendlier Scotland.
This could be an ideal gift for a person who might be dyslexic, or for someone you know who would just enjoy a different kind of present this year.
Either way, we want to involve everyone in this mass effort to make a positive change to end this strangest of all years and bring in 2021 with new supporters of our purpose. Are you in?
Get ahead of the crowd – gift your membership before everyone else
Look out for our campaign starting December 1st when we’ll be asking our followers to buy a present that builds a future.
Want to spread the word yourself? Contact Katie for a media pack with shareable images and posts.
A dyslexia friendlier future is in your hands.