Next steps: help you can get after 18 if you have dyslexia
You’ve left school/college but you can still get lots more support. Find out more in this article.
You might have left school but you can still get lots more support for your dyslexia.
There are many organisations and resources available to help you navigate the next steps after college and when out in the “real world”.
This article will cover the following topics:
- Researching jobs and careers
- Writing your CV
- Work placements
- Job search sites
- Preparing for interviews
- University and higher education help
- Self-esteem/confidence
- Support and community
Click on the dropdowns below to find resources in the area of your life you’re looking for guidance in.
- Ideas for dyslexia-friendly jobs:
Check out our ’15 careers dyslexic people rock in!’ article and infographic here.
- Inspiration for dyslexia-friendly job industries:
- The Employment Service at Dyslexia Scotland helps job seekers with dyslexia understand their options.
Email [email protected] for more information.
- Digital World is a resource that helps job seekers get into digital careers in Scotland.
Writing your CV
You’ll need a CV and/or a LinkedIn profile before you begin to apply for jobs. Here are some tips for getting started with this.
- Mind map your CV
Before you write your full CV, you can use this visual technique to summarise all of your strengths, experiences and achievements.
Use the example below for inspiration.

- Get some CV writing tips from the My World of Work site:
- Use this online CV builder to make the process a little easier:
- Make your CV more effective using the tips from this video:
- Fill out your LinkedIn profile
If you need help filling it out, find some support from your local employment service or a friend.
Or contact Dyslexia Scotland’s Employment Advisors by email.
Work placements
Many internships and apprenticeships can lead to permanent employment or help you get to the next step in your career. They are well worth pursuing!
- Apply for an internship
There are lots of internship programmes available at companies that understand the needs of those with dyslexia. Find a list of current opportunities here: http://www.employ-ability.org.uk/internships.
- Apprenticeships
You can find out more about apprenticeships on the Gov.uk website: https://www.gov.uk/apprenticeships-guide.
If you’re in Scotland, there are several great resources; have a look at Apprenticeships.scot and My World of Work where you can search for current opportunities in Scotland.
- Get inspired
Here is a case study showing how Amy, who has dyslexia, is doing in her business admin apprenticeship.
- Work shadowing/work experience
This is more informal and shorter term than an apprenticeship.
To get started, ask friends and family if you can join them at work (usually unpaid) for a few days to understand more about their job and see if it’s something you’d be interested in doing.
Job search sites – dyslexia/learning difficulty focused
There are plenty of sites that specialise in helping people with dyslexia and other learning difficulties find employment.
Here are a few to get you started:
You could also use the LinkedIn Job Search App.
If filling out lots of several job application forms sounds really daunting, help is at hand! Here is a video about how the LinkedIn app works:
You can download this app from the app stores on Apple and Android.

Preparing for interviews
After you have applied for an apprenticeship or job, you might be offered an interview. Preparation is key here – here are some tips for impressing your interviewer:
- Learn about The Star Technique
- Read Tips for acing your interview here
- Get some virtual interview practice with this online interview tool!

University and higher education
If you’re planning to go on to further education, then you might be entitled to extra help through your college or university.
- Set up some meetings
Within the first two weeks of arriving at your new university, you should talk to the Head of Department, your supervisor and the Disability Advisor (who might be known by a different title – your student union or course tutor should be able to help you identify the right people).
Through these meetings you should be able to find out what support is available to you, as well as how to go about organising any additional assessment arrangements you might be able to receive.
- Find out about grants
For example, if you’re in higher education in Scotland, you might be eligible to apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance, through Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS).
This is a grant that allows you to purchase up to £5,358s worth of equipment and software to help with your studies. Read a guide about Disabled Students’ Allowance here.
Find out more at: http://www.saas.gov.uk/forms_and_guides/dsa.htm.
Building self-esteem/confidence
Working on your self-esteem and confidence is a life-long skill, one that you might need to pay attention to every time you navigate a new challenge. Here are a few resources that can help.

- Read this book: ‘Dyslexia: How to survive and succeed at work’ by Sylvia Moody (London, Vermilion 2006)
This book helps adults with dyslexia to master organisational skills, manage a large workload, and cope with deadlines.
It also has advice on how to improve your confidence, deal with stress and build on the creative talent that many dyslexic individuals possess.
- Mentorship
It’s always good to find someone to talk to, especially someone who has been through the same challenges that you might be facing.
If there is someone you admire and respect, ask to take them out for coffee for an informal chat about their work or how they navigate their life.
- Remind yourself often that dyslexia can be a strength!
Here are just a few really successful people who haven’t let their dyslexia hold them back – Keira Knightley, Richard Branson, George Lucas, Jamie Oliver. The list goes on!
Bookmark this page for whenever you need a little confidence boost – Fab stats, facts and quotes about dyslexia.
- Work on cultivating a “growth mindset”
Change the story in your head – put a positive spin on the challenges you face. This video shows you how.
Support and community
It’s always a good time to reach out for support and grow your community. Here are some good places to start.
- Young Minds offer mental health support for young people in the UK.
- Dyslexia Scotland Helpline
If you’re in need of dyslexia-related advice, you can call the low-cost Helpline on 0344 800 8484.
Advisors are available Monday to Thursday 10am to 4:30pm or Friday 10am to 4pm.
You can also email [email protected] or fill in the contact form on our Useful Stuff page.
If you’re in England, Wales or Northern Ireland:
- Contact the British Dyslexia Association (BDA)
The BDA are a national charity that offers a helpline on Tuesdays from 10:00am – 1:00pm and Wednesday and Thursdays between 10:00am – 3:00pm.
Or call them for free on 0333 405 4567.