New magazine celebrates contribution of changemakers

Dyslexia Scotland’s summer magazine celebrates the efforts of changemakers to contribute to the charity’s vision for a dyslexia-friendly Scotland.

The members-only quarterly publication features changemaking academics, philanthropists, educators, parents, businesses, and children and young people.

The issue includes features on innovative teacher training at the University of Glasgow, research into SQA exam support for dyslexic learners, a bus driver making his work more dyslexia friendly and news from overseas about changemaking in Germany and Kenya.

Chief Executive Cathy Magee said: “This issue is packed with inspiring content. We’re delighted to be able to showcase the actions of people across Scotland – and beyond – who are making their schools, workplaces and communities more inclusive. ”

The publication features interactive QR code elements for print readers, and linked content for digital subscribers.

Members of Dyslexia Scotland will receive the edition in July. New subscribers are invited to sign up now – or purchase a copy of the summer 2023 edition while stocks last.