My advice to other dyslexic gymnasts
by Freya
If you’re thinking about trying out gymnastics but aren’t sure what it will be like, then Freya’s advice might help
I was identified with dyslexia when I was around 7. I didn’t really know what dyslexia was and I’m still learning about it now, but I did know I was finding it difficult to focus in school.
I found it hard to remember instructions properly, or the instructions didn’t make any sense in my head. I wanted to ask but I didn’t want to get into trouble for not listening either. This same year I started competing in acrobatics gymnastics with Acrobay Gymnastics in Rosyth. In the beginning I was worried that I wouldn’t remember the routines, or that I wouldn’t be able to follow instructions in the gym and keep up with the other gymnasts in my group.
I had nothing to worry about though because the coaches helped me so much. On my certificate they said I made them smile in the gym and I got an award for the most improved gymnast in my grade.
Neil (the choreographer) breaks down the routines and always makes me laugh. I have to work hard to follow him but he makes it so much fun that I can remember it through picturing what comes next, and imagining him doing it in front of me.
Stacey and Mica (my coaches) always take the time to make sure I’m managing ok in the gym and they help me to get new skills that I want to achieve, they always believe I can do it.
Being in the gym helps me to believe in myself and have more confidence. I love to set goals and try to achieve them but I also like to support my gym friends and watch them achieve their goals too. I’ve competed all over the UK and won a gold medal for Scotland. The coaches at Acrobay have taught me if I work hard and turn up to training every day I can achieve any goals I want to and that’s what I’m aiming to do!

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