It's not just a week in November

Dyslexia Awareness Week this year has been marked by schools and workplaces across Scotland doing amazing work to raise awareness. We’ve seen organisations such as the police, Scottish Rugby and the Scottish Government take part to show their support. We’ve seen some brilliant examples from schools about what they’ve been doing, not just to support pupils with dyslexia but also to make sure other pupils know about it. 

But it shouldn’t be – and isn’t – just about this one week in November. We work throughout the year to keep dyslexia high on the agenda of schools, workplaces and in our communities.  We want people to understand the difficulties faced by many people with dyslexia but also to highlight the skills and abilities of children and adults with dyslexia.

We know that everyone is different. Some people have really struggled to find their way and believe in their own self-worth because of dyslexia (or maybe, because of how society has treated them). Others have embraced it and used it in ways to flourish and reach their full potential.

We and our network of volunteers and supporters will continue to try to help, train and inform about dyslexia every single day. 

So how can you show your support all year round and benefit from the shared experience of others?  Why not become a member of Dyslexia Scotland for just £20 a year?  Go to one of our events or, if you’re a teacher, have a look at the Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit and modules. Contact our Helpline, have a look at our YouTube page or organise some training for your workplace?

To see all of our Dyslexia Awareness Week resources and our tutor funding campaign, go to the Dyslexia Awareness Week page on our website. 

They’re not just for this week.