GDPR and Dyslexia

I only have a surface level understanding of the new GDPR regulations, but hope it will cut down on my semi-junk-mail (which contributes to my information overload). I just wish one particular organisation would get the message and stop sending me the ‘do you want to opt-in letters’ (I’m sure I’ve had at least 2 letters already). I do however, like the idea of organisations having to ask people to opt-in on forms; as I am seriously sick of having to read the fine print beside those tick boxes so carefully (sometimes even having my husband double check for me). On one form one would be asked to tick if you WANT to receive information, the next would be tick if you DO NOT want junk mail and then there were the third set of forms that you would have needed a post-graduate law degree in contract writing to understand what you are agreeing to if you tick the box! I found that wee bit at the bottom of store points cards forms etc (that one is expected to fill out in checkout queues or some other distracting and time limited situations) extremely annoying and a little disabling. A bit like all the different chip-and-pin machines; some of which say ‘Please REMOVE your card’ while others say ‘Please DO NOT remove your card’. The number of times I’ve taken my card back when the instruction actually said the opposite, is embarrassing. Nowadays when I have to use my card, I ask the checkout assistant if I’ve to take my card when one of those statements appears on the wee screen. I hope these new regulations stop all the letters and emails I get – which I rarely read, but I never quite know if I should throw away or not. Hopefully organisations will be motivated to declutter their websites and adverts so that those who have not opted-in can find out about their goods and services (that the individual customer actually wants). I find it very difficult to navigate all these websites with lots of bells and whistles which hide the information I actually want. And I can too often tell the story of an advert (off the telly), but when asked what was the advert for, I’m at an absolute loss! My final point on the introduction of the new GDPR law is that as per usual it’s ironic – organisations are having to send out mail-shots which may be treated like junk mail, by the recipients. I have had recent experience of this particular aspect of these new regulations, as in my temp job in a housing association, I volunteered to fold hundreds of letters to go out to all the tenants. Anonymous Do you want to find out more about GDPR? Click on the link below: