E-learning course: ‘How to Succeed at Work and Home as a Dyslexic Adult’

The British Dyslexia Association offers an eLearning course that aims to help dyslexic adults succeed at work and home. It’s based on research which you can find out about at https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/news/item/page/2/name/research-into-issues-for-adults-with-dyslexia-specific-learning-difficulties I did the course recently. In this blog post I’d like to share:
  1. What the course does;
  2. How the course is dyslexia-friendly; and
  3. Further information.
  1. What the course does
  The course identifies 10 traits that make dyslexic adults successful: 2. How the course is dyslexia-friendly               3. Further information about the course
  1. Is it assessed? No.
  2. Does it lead to a certificate or qualification? No.
  3. Does it cost? Not if you are retired or unemployed. For everyone else, it costs £12.99.
  4. How long will it take to do? I don’t know how long it will take you. It took me around 50 hours. This was partly because I copied and pasted the text into a Word document so I could mark it up with my responses. That involved a lot of reformatting.
  5. Where can I find out more? https://www.bdaelearning.org.uk/course/info.php?id=86
    By an anonymous adult member of Dyslexia Scotland