Dyslexia Stories 9
Using the written word to tell your dyslexia story This is the last in a series of blog posts about dyslexia stories by a member of Dyslexia Scotland. In the 3 posts immediately preceding this one, we looked at ways you can tell your own dyslexia story. In this final post we finish that discussion by turning our attention to writing your dyslexia story. I have grouped the ways you can tell your story in writing into 2 sets below. The 1st set consists of forms of writing you would use to give factual accounts of your dyslexia story. In these you would simply tell your story from your perspective. The 2nd set consists of forms you would use to give creative accounts of your dyslexia story, such as a poem or play. You can use any of the forms to write your story, whether you intend to share it or not. For example, you may find that writing your story in the form of a blog post, even if you have no intention of posting it on a blog, helps you to express yourself and focus your ideas. If you find writing difficult, you can use voice recognition software to transcribe your story e.g. Siri, Dragon Dictation or Vlingo. Alternatively, you can make an audio recording and ask someone to transcribe it for you. A. Blogs, stories on websites, books, letters, emails- Dyslexia Scotland blog
- Rosemary Peel’s ‘My Dyslexic Journey’
- Sam Sagmillar’s ‘Dyslexia My Life: One Man’s Story of His Life With a Learning Disability’
- You can write a letter – which you don’t send – telling your story to anyone you choose. This allows you to say things that you would not say to someone, but which you feel. Writing letters like this can help to resolve painful memories and heal emotionally. You can write such letters to as many different people as you like. You can also write them to someone you have never met who has inspired you, or someone you knew who has died
- For models of emails which tell dyslexia stories, see https://susanbartondyslexiastories.com
- ‘D is for Dragons’, a poem by Anita Govan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmWgM_Hb8jI; and
- ‘Disobey me’, a poem by Sally Gardner
- On google drive (you can self-publish here)
- Submit it to ‘RASP’, a publishing house exclusively for dyslexic writers https://r-a-s-p.co.uk/about
- Scottish Book Trust’s ‘Journeys’ Project
- what dyslexia stories are and how they can help people;
- other people’s dyslexia stories – some ways we can discover them; and
- your own dyslexia story:
- discover other people’s dyslexia stories; and
- find a way to tell your own dyslexia story.
- Rosemary Peel: ‘My Dyslexic Journey’
- Text version: DML, 1995. ISBN 978-0964308718
- Audio version (cassette tape): DT Publishing, 1998. 978-0964308749
- The audio version is also available on CD.
- eBook: Barnes and Noble, 2011. BN ID: 2940012326744