Dyslexia Stories 5

• How can telling your own dyslexia story help? • Sharing or not sharing your dyslexia story The 1st 4 blog posts in this series have discussed 2 key points, namely: • What dyslexia stories are and how they can help people; • Other people’s dyslexia stories In our next 5 blog posts we are going to explore a 3rd key point: telling your own dyslexia story. To start, this post discusses: • the benefits of telling your own dyslexia story; and • sharing your story with others or keeping it to yourself A. How can telling your dyslexia story help? Here are some ways that telling your dyslexia story can help you and others. See also above in Section B of the blog post ‘Dyslexia Stories 2’. 1. It will externalise your thoughts, giving you greater clarity on your experience 2. It will increase your self-awareness which will lead you to accept yourself better 3. It will give you a point of reference and an opportunity to rehearse your story. This will: • enable you to explain your experiences more easily to others • help others to understand you better • make life a bit easier for you because you are less likely to be misunderstood by others B. Sharing or not sharing your dyslexia story You have 2 options: 1) You can share your story with as many or as few people as you want e.g. on a blog or in person; or 2) You can choose not to share your story with anyone else e.g. make an audio recording and keep it private. You can always share it at a later point if you change your mind This blog post has: • Shown us some potential benefits of telling your dyslexia story; and • Pointed out that telling your dyslexia story is not the same as sharing it. In the next blog post in our series, we will continue to look at our 3rd key point, telling your own dyslexia story. We will do this by starting to look at how you can tell your own dyslexia story.