Dyslexia-friendly Scotland - our journey so far

The end of a year is inevitably a time to reflect, to consider how far we’ve come, and to look ahead.

Looking back

As Dyslexia Scotland says goodbye to 2021, we also close our current strategic plan. In the last three years, our small but well-formed organisation has: 

These are just a few of the major milestones we’ve reached along our journey. Between these, we’ve had interactions with many thousands of individuals. Although these have often been brief, we know that the advice and guidance we’ve provided has made a big difference to each of them. 

We’re taking a moment to rest now, look back on the distance travelled, and feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. But we also know that we can continue to learn, grow and improve as an organisation.

Looking ahead

So, as the sun rises on 2022, we’ll be ready to continue our journey. We’ve charted the course, and we’re on our way to a dyslexia-friendly Scotland. But are we nearly there yet? And how will we know when we get there? And what can we achieve along the way?

These are the questions we asked of ourselves, the dyslexic community in Scotland, and the changemakers who strive to be dyslexia inclusive in their settings. The answers helped us to map the way forward.

We’re excited to begin this new leg of the journey, and we invite you to be a part of it.
Dyslexia-friendly Scotland, here we come. Look out for our new strategy for 2022-2025 in the new year. 

In the meantime, if you want to support us on our journey to a dyslexia-friendly Scotland, become a member or make a donation to help sustain our vital work.