'Accessing Books - A Guide for Dyslexic Adults' (new publication)

‘Accessing Books – A Guide for Dyslexic Adults’ is a free resource which: ‘This excellent guide will, I am sure, be welcomed by the many dyslexic people who feel they are being denied the enjoyment of reading a good book. The author has a thorough understanding of dyslexic difficulties and the frustrations that can accompany these. She offers a wealth of suggestions for the ways in which dyslexic people can enter and enjoy the world of the written word – whether for the purpose of study, work or pleasure.’  Dr Sylvia Moody, Practitioner Psychologist Available to download in pdf: In google drive, once you have opened the guide, the download icon (a downward arrow and a dash) should appear briefly in the border above the top of the document, along with various other icons.  If you cannot see the icons, hover your mouse in the border above the top of the page and they should appear.  If this does not work, download instead from the ‘Belle de lettres’ blog (click on ‘Accessing Books – A Guide for Dyslexic Adults’ at the very end of the blog post). Available to download in Word: Available in paper copy with accompanying electronic copy on CD: to borrow if you are a member of Dyslexia Scotland, or to consult if you are not, from: Dyslexia Scotland Resource Centre, Dyslexia Scotland, 2nd floor – East Suite, Wallace House, 17 – 21 Maxwell Place, Stirling FK8 1JU Tel. 01786 44 66 50 Email: [email protected]
Telling others about it
This publication was written by an adult member of Dyslexia Scotland.