A day in the life of... Finlay

7.45am – Finlay is trying to find what he needs for school and realises that he had maths homework to do last night. He decides he’ll just do it on the bus. 

10.30am – Finlay’s in English and is dreading the teacher asking him to read out loud.  He’s so worried about it that he isn’t listening to her and gets into trouble for daydreaming.

2pm – It’s art and design, and Finlay loves working on his latest project.  Why can’t he enjoy other subjects as much?

5pm – Finlay’s mum asks for his PE kit for the washing.  Finlay can’t remember where he left it in school.  More aggro!

9pm – Finlay’s exhausted and decides it’s time to call it a day.  He goes to set his alarm on his phone to remind him to look for his PE kit tomorrow – but where’s his phone?!