SQA Assessment Arrangements for National Literacy Units

If you’re sitting SQA exams and you have dyslexia, you can request Assessment Arrangements to help you manage your National Literacy Units.

What you can’t request

Readers and scribes cannot be used in the National Literacy Units in English and Gàidhlig at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels 3, 4 and 5 where reading and writing skills are being explicitly assessed.

You can’t request exemption from demonstrating any of the four assessed skills of reading, writing, listening or talking. The Literary Units focus on reading and writing with technical accuracy as well as listening and talking, so you need to demonstrate these skills as independently as possible. A human reader and scribe can be used in all other assessments, though.

What other supports are available?

This table show what support is acceptable in the Literacy units. Using any of these support measures must be because you have an identified additional support need and because it is your normal way of working.

Extra timeExtra time
Adapted text, including Braille, large print, colour, font size, font styleAdapted text, including Braille, large print, colour, font size, font style
Screen readerWord processor with spellcheck
Word processorTranscription without correction
Practical AssistantPractical assistant
Extra timeExtra time
Use of British Sign LanguageUse of British Sign Language
Assistive TechnologyAssistive technology
Practical AssistantPractical assistant
ReaderLip reader

Can you use a Reader and Scribe in English and/or Gàidhlig?

Yes, however this has to be your normal way of working and your centre has to have evidence of your need for this arrangement. You are not allowed to use a reader and scribe for the literacy component of the qualification.

Read more about the specifications on reasonable adjustments in National Qualifications in Scotland on the SQA website.

SQA Assessment Arrangements