Continuing to ease positive change nationally

leadership-motivational Dyslexia is a condition that has no cure, unlike some of the myths around this. I like many others have struggled with reading, writing all my life. Dyslexia is a term that is sometimes associated with Dyspraxia (affects neuro functions) or Dyscalculia (ability with maths). A common trend is that those with dyslexia feel stupid, not valued because they find it hard to understand some things and basic instructions are lost in translation, as dyslexia affects working memory. 1 in 10 of the population has dyslexia that will impact on their lives, and with a population, where many are graduating through the education process and seeking employment, it is even harder to compete, as some dyslexics have positive /negative experiences in their professional lives. With regard to reasonable adjustments in the workplace (enshrined in law under the Equality Act 2010); it is not acceptable to simply say, here is some different coloured paper, because each dyslexic person’s reasonable adjustments are unique to the individual. Some employees may feel hostility around asking for reasonable adjustments or even saying ‘Hey, I’m dyslexic’. They may feel under-valued or be bypassed for promotion. They may not wish to upset the apple cart. This is particularly hard for dyslexics diagnosed as adults, because they have struggled with education. I am hopeful that there can be positive change nationally, but in order to be in a position to do that, we need to all be singing from the same hymn sheet. Education is measured through core academic subjects with schools being audited, good/poor. Those with dyslexia are creative, they add value to educational establishments and business, as they think outside the box. The question is, why is it that some people with dyslexia are still negative? If we had a continuing positive change nationally, perhaps that would counter negativity because employers and educational facilities, would have the same policies for all who are neuro-diverse. Let’s not judge a person because of a disability, let that person succeed with the support they are entitled to. I have met parents, teachers, employers throughout my role as a writer and it is heart-wrenching to hear a parent say their child thinks they are stupid, won’t go to school, where can we get help? All must have the same opportunities. Let’s face it, years ago people with dyslexia were not offered support or assistance – my mother struggled terribly with maths and the teachers would cane her! I would like to think we have significantly moved on from that, People are more aware about neuro -diversity. I am certain there is a continuing positive change nationally, as we move forward to the future with dyslexia awareness, bringing everyone together to show we all have value and that We Are All Amazing We are Dyslexic and that is OK.


Sam Rapp

The Dyslexic Poet