Local Branch volunteer
Our network of local Branches across Scotland are entirely run by volunteers. The Branches raise awareness and understanding of dyslexia by holding public meetings
The Branches rely on the good-will and enthusiasm of local volunteers and many could do with more help.
The following Branches would really welcome some new volunteers:
- Caithness
- Fife
- Lochaber
- North East
- Skye and Lochalsh
- Angus
Parents, teachers, students, dyslexic adult, community supporters – everyone is welcome to volunteer.
You don’t have to be an expert on dyslexia, just be willing to help out.
There is a small time commitment and support is provided by Dyslexia Scotland.
Want to find out more about helping our friendly branch network?
Please contact Volunteers Manager Sue by e-mail or on 01786 435126