Dyslexia Stories 4

Discovering other people’s dyslexia stories through the written word This is the 4th in a series of 9 blog posts by an adult member of Dyslexia Scotland that explore dyslexia stories or journeys. In the previous blog post in this series, we looked at how we can discover other people’s dyslexia stories in person, and through video and audio.  This blog post gives some ideas of where we can find dyslexia stories in the written word. Here are 7 places where you can find people’s dyslexia stories in text.  You can use a text reader with all of them e.g. Ivona MiniReader, which is free.  To install it, go to: https://www.adapteddigitalexams.org.uk/Using-Digital-Papers/Reading-with-Text-to-Speech/Ivona-MiniReader 1. ‘Dyslexia and Us’ book https://www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk/sites/default/files/page_content/book_order_form.pdf 2. Dyslexia Scotland blog https://alifelessordinaryds.wordpress.com 3. Dyslexia Action’s ‘It’s Me’ https://www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk/its-me 4. Dyslexia Together’s ‘Other People’s Stories’ https://www.dyslexiatogether.org.uk/other-peoples-stories.html 5. Klaire de Lys: ‘My Dyslexia Story’ https://www.klairedelys.com/2013/07/19/my-dyslexia-story 6. RASP guest blog https://r-a-s-p.co.uk/guest-blog 7. Susan Barton dyslexia stories https://susanbartondyslexiastories.com In the 1st 4 posts in this series of blog posts we have been exploring our 1st 2 key points of the series: Now what about your own dyslexia story? How do you feel about telling it? How do you think telling it might help you and others? In the rest of the blog posts in this series we are going to think about our 3rd and final key point, namely your own dyslexia story. We will explore: References ‘Dyslexia and Us’