An Ode to Spike Milligan and Anita Govan
Congratulations go to our volunteer Doreen Kelly who has won ‘Best Overall Poem’ at Craigmillar Creative Writing Competition. We think her poem sums up living with dyslexia beautifully and evokes the best of silly verse from Spike Milligan.
An Ode to Spike Milligan and Anita Govan by Doreen Kelly
I am Doreen Kelly: Ding King Doo
I live with dyslexia: Xong Yibber Aing
I achieved a BSc Hons Degree: Bang Sing cong
I can work, I will work; but jobs: Wing Wang Joo
I Love jobs: Lang Jing Loo
I have a CV full of jobs: Jang Jong Jing
What I don’t have is a career: Coo Cing Cang
The JobCentre, society and Gov stats: Sing Jabber Goo
Think I am a number: Noo Ning Nabber
But I am a unique individual human being: Ung Ing Hang Boo
Who brought Anita Govan: Aabber Gibber Goo
To visit our Girl Guide Company: Goo Gang Cobber
I got funding from the Scottish Book Trust: Song Bang Ting
I was soo proud when the visit was going well: Wing Wang Wong
Then the Stirling Makar: Mong Mang Ming
Asked us to perform a Spike Milligan poem: Sabber Ming Poo
Suddenly out jumped the Dyslexia Monster: Dong Many Zing
My brain went BOO
My anxiety and adrenaline went PING
And my mouth went Jibber Jabber Joo!!!
As well as being a talented writer, Doreen also created the artwork above.