A film about dyslexia made by dyslexic people…

I have dyslexia and this issue is very close to me since I live with it on a daily basis.  I feel strongly about telling the story of dyslexia in the form of film and I think it’s an ideal way to portray the experience. We’ve been planning and developing the idea of making a film about dyslexia now for a year. We have decided to start a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds to make this important film. I volunteer with Dyslexia Scotland and help manage their YouTube channel. Over this time I have met and interviewed many people with dyslexia. I have been blown away by the stories and the amazing people I have met over the last two years. I feel I’ve been working my whole life to this point. I’ve been heavily affected by dyslexia my whole life, and after being involved with Dyslexia Scotland, I have realized I’m one of so many children, adults, youths, elderly, mothers, fathers, teachers, footballers and scientists living with dyslexia. Back to the film! Issue-based documentaries are very effective at telling the story to a large audience and with the rise of the internet and platforms such as YouTube and Facebook; it has never been easier to distribute stories in an engaging way to target groups of people. We will make this film to let people know what it feels like emotionally and physically to live with dyslexia, we will tell personal stories. The crew and people involved in the production of this film are dyslexic and this will add to the authenticity of the film. Please go to our funding page to find out more about how you can help us make this important film, contribute and/or get involved. Please click on the link below: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dyslexia-film-video/x/15500667#/ Trevor Thomson Media Professional and Dyslexia Scotland Volunteer